Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MVA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Motor Vehicle AccidentMedical
Minimum Vectoring AltitudeScience
Multi Vendor ArchitectureTechnology
Main Valve ActuatorScience
Modern Volunteer ArmyMilitary
Modified Vaccinia AnkaraMedical
Machine Vision AssociationCommon
Malignant Ventricular ArrhythmiasMedical
Malta Veterinary AssociationMedical
Manual Vacuum AspirationMedical
Manufacturing Value AddedCommon
Marginal Vascular ArcadeMedical
Market Value AddedMedical
Market Value AdjustedBusiness
Market Value AdjustmentCommon
Massive Volume AdministrationMedical
Master of Visual ArtsCommon
Maximal Voluntary ActivationMedical
Maximum Volunteer ActivityMedical
Mean Vertical AccelerationCommon
MVA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary