Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MUA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Mail User AgentTechnology
Materials Usage AgreementScience
Maximum Usable AltitudeTechnology
Material Usage AgreementScience
Machinery Users AssociationCommon
Mail User AgentsTechnology
Main Unit AssemblyMilitary
Manipulation Under AnaesthesiaMedical
Manipulation Under AnaestheticMedical
Manipulation Under AnesthesiaMedical
Manipulation Under AnestheticMedical
Master of Urban AffairsCommon
Master of Urban ArchitectureCommon
Material Utilization AgreementScience
Medically Underserved AreaMedical
Medically Undeserved AreaMedical
Mu TransposaseMedical
Multi User AdventureTechnology
Multineuronal ActivityMedical
Multiple Unit ActivitiesMedical
MUA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary