Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MHS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Microwave Humidity SounderScience
Message Handling SystemTechnology
Message Handling ServiceTechnology
Master of Health ScienceMedical
Master of Health SciencesMedical
Material Handling SystemCommon
Macintyre High SchoolEducation
Macksville High SchoolEducation
Maclean High SchoolEducation
Macular HolesMedical
Madera High SchoolEducation
Magnetic Hyperfine StructureCommon
Magnolia High SchoolEducation
Mail Handling SystemTechnology
Maitland High SchoolEducation
Major Histocompatibility SystemMedical
Make Haste SlowlyChat and Slang
Malayan Historical SocietyCommon
Male HomosexualsMedical
Malibu High SchoolEducation
MHS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary