Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MGL stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Magellan Health Services, Inc.Organizations
Mahanagar Gas LimitedBusiness
Main Grade LecturerEducation
Malachite Green LeucocyaniteCommon
Management Guidance LetterScience
Massachusetts General LawsCommon
Matrix Generation LanguageTechnology
Matrix Generator LanguageCommon
Mean Gray LevelMedical
Mean Grey LevelMedical
Mice with Genetically LowMedical
Monoacylglycerol LipaseMedical
Monoglyceride LipaseMedical
Multi-Granularity LockingCommon
Multiple Greek LetterScience
Multiple Groove LockingTechnology
MGL Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary