Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MGC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Manual Gain ControlTechnology
Media Gateway ControllerTechnology
Iata Code for Michigan City Municipal Airport, Michigan City, Indiana, United StatesLocations
MГјLler Glial CellsMedical
Macroglomerular ComplexMedical
Major General CommandantMilitary
Malachite Green CarbinolCommon
Mammalian Gene CollectionMedical
Mammarial Gland CancerMedical
Mammary Gland CarcinomaMedical
Manufactured Goods CollectionScience
Meadow Green CentreScience
Mean Geometric CenterMedical
Membrane Guanylate CyclaseMedical
Middle Georgia CollegeEducation
Missile Guidance and ComputerCommon
Missile Guidance and ControlCommon
Missile Guidance ComputerTechnology
Modified Glomerular ComplexMedical
MGC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary