Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LRS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Line Repeater StationTechnology
- Linguistic Research SystemTechnology
- Laser Raman SpectroscopyScience
- Laser Reflectance SpectrometerTechnology
- Launch and Recovery SiteMilitary
- Laurinburg and Southern RailroadOrganizations
- Long Range SearchTechnology
- Long Range SurveillanceMilitary
- Labor Relations StaffBusiness
- Lactated Ringer SolutionMedical
- Lactated Ringer's SolutionMedical
- Language ResourceTechnology
- Larsen SyndromeMedical
- Laser Radiometer SystemMilitary
- Laser Raman ScatteringCommon
- Laser Raman SpectrometryCommon
- Laser Raman SpectrophotometerCommon
- Laser Resonant ShadowgraphyScience
- Late Replicated SegmentsMedical
- Launch and Recovery SystemTechnology
LRS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary