Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LPD stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Line Printer DaemonTechnology
- Landing Point DesignatorTechnology
- Launch Procedure DocumentTechnology
- Linear Power DensityTechnology
- Low Probability of DetectionMilitary
- Language Processing and DebuggingTechnology
- Light Point DefectScience
- Log Periodic DipoleScience
- Lost Production DaysBusiness
- Low-Performance DroneMilitary
- Lymphoproliferative DisorderMedical
- Amphibious Transport DockMilitary
- Labeled Plan DisplayCommon
- Lag Phase DurationMedical
- Landing Personnel DockCommon
- Landing Platform DockTechnology
- Landing Platform, DeckMilitary
- Laser Projection DisplayScience
- Late Potential DurationMedical
- Lateral Patellar DisplacementMedical
LPD Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary