Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LMP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- List of Measurement PointsTechnology
- LempcoOrganizations
- Lunar Module PilotScience
- Labour Market ProgramGovernment
- Larson-Miller ParameterScience
- Last Menstrual PeriodMedical
- Iata Code for Lampedusa Airport, Lampedusa, ItalyLocations
- Laboratoire De Métallurgie PhysiqueCommon
- Laboratory of Manufacturing and ProductivityCommon
- Land Management PlanningScience
- Large Multifunctional ProteaseMedical
- Last Menstration PeriodMedical
- Latent Infection Membrane ProteinMedical
- Latent Membrane ProteinMedical
- Latent Membrane ProteinsMedical
- Left MentoposteriorMedical
- Left Middle PlugTechnology
- LevomepromazineMedical
- Licensed Massage PractitionerMedical
- Line Maintenance PartsTechnology
LMP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary