Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LES stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Lincoln Experimental SatelliteScience
Large Eddy SimulationScience
Leave and Earnings StatementMilitary
Limited Early SiteTechnology
Lan Emulation ServerTechnology
Large-Eddy SimulationsScience
Launch Environment SimulatorMilitary
Launch Equipment ShopScience
Launch Escape SubsystemScience
Launch Escape SystemTechnology
Law Enforcement SensitiveMilitary
Lower Esophageal SphincterMedical
Ladera Elementary SchoolEducation
Lafayette Elementary SchoolEducation
Laguna Elementary SchoolEducation
Lagunita Elementary SchoolEducation
Lagunitas Elementary SchoolEducation
Lake Elementary SchoolEducation
Lakeland Elementary SchoolEducation
Lakeport Elementary SchoolEducation
LES Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary