Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LEE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Lee GibsonOrganizations
Lee MartinOrganizations
Iata Code for Leesburg Regional Airport, Leesburg, Florida, United StatesLocations
Lake Erie and Eastern RailroadOrganizations
Large Extrachromosomal ElementMedical
Latching End EffectorTechnology
Latent Energy EnvironmentTechnology
Launch Electronics EquipmentCommon
Leading Edge EnvironmentMilitary
Lee Enterprises, Inc.Organizations
Lee Enterprises, IncorporatedOrganizations
Level of Expressed EmotionMedical
Level of Expressed Emotion ScaleMedical
Life and Earth EnvironmentScience
Liver Enzyme ElevationMedical
Locus for Enterocyte EffacementMedical
Locus of Enterocyte EffacementMedical
Logistical Evaluation ExerciseScience
LEE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary