Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IVL stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Independent Vendor LeagueTechnology
Iata Code for Ivalo Airport, Ivalo, FinlandLocations
In Virtual LifeChat and Slang
In Virtual LiveChat and Slang
Independent Vlan LearningCommon
Individual Validated LicenseMilitary
Individually Validated LicenseMilitary
Intel Verification LabTechnology
Intel Verification LaboratoryCommon
Intestinal Villi LaminationCommon
Intravascular Large B-Cell LymphomaMedical
Intravascular LymphomaMedical
Intravascular LymphomatosisMedical
Intravenous LeiomyomatosisMedical
Iola Village LibraryEducation
IVL Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary