Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ITA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Internal Thoracic ArteriesMedical
- Intermodal Transportation AssociationCommon
- Interim Type ApprovalTechnology
- Interface Test AdaptorMilitary
- Interactive Television AssociationTechnology
- Interactive Television ApplianceMilitary
- Intent to AdoptCommon
- Intelligent Traverse AdjustmentScience
- Integrated Truss AssemblyScience
- Integrated Training AdministrationScience
- Integrated Theater ArchitectureMilitary
- Integrated Test ArticleCommon
- Integrated Technology ArchitectureMilitary
- Instrumented Test AssemblyScience
- Instrumentation Technology Associates, Inc.Science
- Instrumentation Technology AssociatesCommon
- Institute of Traffic AdministrationCommon
- Institute of Air TransportTechnology
- Institute for Telecommunication and AeronomyCommon
- Institut De Transport AérienCommon
ITA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary