Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ITA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Institute of Traffic AdministrationCommon
Instrumentation Technology AssociatesCommon
Instrumentation Technology Associates, Inc.Science
Instrumented Test AssemblyScience
Integrated Technology ArchitectureMilitary
Integrated Test ArticleCommon
Integrated Theater ArchitectureMilitary
Integrated Training AdministrationScience
Integrated Truss AssemblyScience
Intelligent Traverse AdjustmentScience
Intent to AdoptCommon
Interactive Television ApplianceMilitary
Interactive Television AssociationTechnology
Interface Test AdaptorMilitary
Interim Type ApprovalTechnology
Intermodal Transportation AssociationCommon
Internal Thoracic ArteriesMedical
Internal Thoracic ArteryMedical
Internal Thoracic Artery GraftMedical
Internal Thoracic Artery GraftsMedical
ITA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary