Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IRP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Installation Restoration ProgramScience
- Institutional Removal ProgramGovernment
- Initial Receiving PointTechnology
- Integrated Resource PlanningScience
- Internal Reflection PhotolysisScience
- International Registration PlanGovernment
- I/O Request PacketTechnology
- Idiopathic Recurrent PancreatitisMedical
- Iers Reference PoleScience
- Image Reconstruction ProcedureCommon
- Immune Risk PhenotypeMedical
- Impact Reactive ProjectileMilitary
- Incentive Reward ProgramBusiness
- Independent Routing ProcessorMilitary
- Individual Research ProjectsScience
- Individual Responsibility PlanGovernment
- Information Requirements PlanMilitary
- Initial Rally PointMilitary
- Initial Rate of PolymerizationMedical
- Innovative Research ProjectCommon
IRP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary