Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IPO stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Internal Product OrderingCommon
- Interim Protection OrderCommon
- Inter-Procedural OptimizerCommon
- Intellectual Property OfficeCommon
- Integration Project OfficeScience
- Institutional Property OfficerScience
- Installation Productivity OptionTechnology
- Input-Process-OutputMilitary
- Input, Processing and OutputTechnology
- Initial Public OfferBusiness
- Initial Program OfferingBusiness
- Industrial Preparedness OperationsMilitary
- Industrial Partnership OfficeScience
- Indoctrination Petty OfficerMilitary
- Indirect Program OfficeScience
- Indigenous Peoples' OrganisationsScience
- Independent Provider OrganizationGovernment
- Ifes Pdes OrganizationMilitary
IPO Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary