Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IPO stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Installation Productivity OptionTechnology
- Institutional Property OfficerScience
- Integration Project OfficeScience
- Intellectual Property OfficeCommon
- Inter-Procedural OptimizerCommon
- Interim Protection OrderCommon
- Internal Product OrderingCommon
- Internal Purchase OrderChat and Slang
- International Planning OfficeScience
- International Programs OfficeMilitary
- International Projects OfficeMilitary
- International Purchasing OfficeTechnology
- Internet Protocol Over OpticalTechnology
- Interprocedural OptimizationTechnology
- Intestinal Pseudo-ObstructionMedical
- IntraportalMedical
- Isotope Program OfficeScience
- It's Probably OverCommon
IPO Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary