Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IPA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Intermediate Power AmplifierMilitary
- Information Processing ArchitectureTechnology
- Internet Protocol AddressTechnology
- Information Processing AssociationCommon
- Institute of Public AdministrationEducation
- Intergovernmental Personnel ActGovernment
- International Patent AgreementCommon
- International Pharmaceutical AbstractsScience
- International Phonetic AssociationEducation
- Independent Practice AssociationBusiness
- Independent-Pair ApproximationScience
- Independent-Particle ApproximationScience
- Indian Pale AleCommon
- Individual Practice AssociationBusiness
- Institute of Public AffairsEducation
- Intelligence Production AgencyMilitary
- Intergovernmental Personnel AgreementScience
- International Pediatric AssociationMedical
- International Permafrost AssociationScience
- International Phonetic AlphabetCommon
IPA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary