Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Inspection and MaintenanceMilitary
Inspection ManuelTechnology
Inspection MethodTechnology
Inspiratory MuscleMedical
Installation ManualMilitary
Instant MessengerTechnology
Institute of ManagementOrganizations
Institute of MarketingEducation
Institute of MaterialsCommon
Institute of MathematicsCommon
Institute of MetallurgyCommon
Institute of MeteorologyCommon
Institute of MetrologyCommon
Institute of MicrographicsCommon
Institutional ManagementScience
Instruction MemoryCommon
Instrument ModuleScience
Instrumentation and MeasurementCommon
Instrumentation and MeasurementsCommon
Insulating MaterialCommon
IM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary