Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Infrared MicrowaveTechnology
Infrastructure ModelMilitary
Ingot MetallurgyCommon
Ingram Micro Inc.Organizations
Inherent MoistureCommon
Injection MoldCommon
Inland MarineBusiness
Inner MakerScience
Inner MedullaMedical
Inner MedullaryMedical
Inner MembraneMedical
Inner MembranesMedical
Inner MongoliaLocations
Inorganic MaterialCommon
Input MediumCommon
Input MethodTechnology
Input MuxTechnology
Insensitive MunitionMilitary
Inside of MetalCommon
Insoluble MatterCommon
IM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary