Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IFM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Industrial Filters ManufacturersOrganizations
- In-Flight MaintenanceScience
- Inspector's Field ManualGovernment
- Integrated Financial ManagementScience
- Interfacial Force MicroscopeScience
- Interfacial Force MicroscopyScience
- IfosfamideMedical
- Ill Fee ManagementEducation
- Immunofluorescence MicroscopyMedical
- Immunofluorescent MicroscopyMedical
- Improved FmMilitary
- Improved Frequency ModulationMilitary
- Indirect Flight MuscleMedical
- Indirect Flight MusclesMedical
- Information for the Management of HealthcareMedical
- Insect Flight MuscleMedical
- Instantaneous Frequency MeasurementTechnology
- Instantaneous Frequency MeasurementsMilitary
- Institut Für MeereskundeCommon
- Institute for MicromanufacturingCommon
IFM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary