Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IES stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Illuminating Engineering SocietyOrganizations
Institute of Environmental SciencesMilitary
Imagery Exploitation SystemMilitary
Information Exchange SystemTechnology
Institute of Education SciencesGovernment
Integral Error SquaredCommon
Intrinsic Electric StrengthCommon
Inverted Echo SounderScience
Imaging Electron SpectrometerScience
Incoming Echo SuppressorCommon
Industrial Electronics SocietyCommon
Institute for Earth SciencesCommon
Institute for Environmental StudiesScience
Institute of Environmental StudiesCommon
Institution of Engineers and ShipbuildersCommon
Institution of Engineers of SingaporeCommon
Institution of Environmental SciencesCommon
Instituto De Estudios SuperioresCommon
Intelligent Emulation SwitchingTechnology
Internal Eliminated SequenceScience
IES Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary