Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IEP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Image Edge ProfileCommon
Improved Effective PotentialCommon
Independent Evaluation PlanTechnology
Individual Education PlanGovernment
Individualized Education PlanMedical
Individualized Education ProgramMedical
Individualized Educational PlanEducation
Instantaneous Effective PhotocathodeCommon
Institute for Ecological PoliciesCommon
Instrumentation for the Evaluation of PicturesCommon
International Energy ProgramCommon
Idiopathic Eosinophilic PneumoniaMedical
Immediate Early ProteinMedical
Independent Electric PlantScience
Individual Educational PlanEducation
Individual Educational ProgramEducation
Individualised Education ProgrammeEducation
Individualized Education ProgramEducation
IEP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary