Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICAR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Interface Control Action RequestScience
- Investigation and Corrective Action ReportScience
- Indian Council of Agricultural ResearchScience
- Individual Contract Action ReportScience
- Integrated Command Accounting and ReportingMilitary
- Integrated Command Accounting and Reporting SystemMilitary
- IntercaruncularMedical
- Intergovernmental Coordination and ReviewGovernment
- International Center for Accountancy ReformBusiness
- International Center for Action ResearchScience
- International Committee for Animal RecordingOrganizations
- International Conference on Advanced RoboticsCommon
- International Congress on Animal ReproductionMedical
- International Cooperation in Aviation ResearchScience
- Inventory of Canadian Agricultural ResearchCommon
ICAR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary