Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does HOPE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Halley Optical Probe ExperimentScience
- Heart Outcomes Prevention EvaluationMedical
- Heart Outcomes and Prevention EvaluationMedical
- Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation StudyMedical
- Home Care Outreach for Palliative Care EducationMedical
- Homeownership and Opportunity for People EverywhereBusiness
- Honckenya PeploidesScience
- Honoring Our Professors ExcellenceEducation
- Hospital Outcomes Project for the ElderlyMedical
- Hydrogen-Oxygen Primary ExtraterrestrialCommon
- Hypothetical Overpower ExcursionScience
HOPE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary