Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does GE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
General ElectricTechnology
Good EveningChat and Slang
Gigabit EthernetTechnology
Gross EnergyMedical
General EngineeringMilitary
Gel ElectrophoresisMedical
Gaussian EliminationCommon
Rpr Gigabit Ethernet Resilient Packet RingTechnology
Gunn EffectCommon
Gtp-Binding ProteinMedical
Grounds EquipmentCommon
Ground EnvironmentMilitary
Gross EfficiencyMedical
Greenhouse EffectCommon
Green EyeMedical
Green EnergyTechnology
Greater Than or EqualTechnology
GE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary