Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does GE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Great EasternTechnology
Graphics EditorMilitary
Granulocytic EhrlichiosisMedical
Granulocyte ElastaseMedical
Graduate EngineerCommon
Gradient EchoMedical
Graded ExerciseMedical
Government EstimateMilitary
Gorkov and EliashbergCommon
Glycyrrhetinic AcidMedical
Glycoproteins EEMedical
Glycoprotein IIMedical
Glycoprotein EEMedical
Glycine EncephalopathyMedical
Glucose EffectivenessMedical
Global EngagementMilitary
Global EmbrittlementCommon
Glass ElectrodeCommon
Glandular EpitheliumMedical
GE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary