Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DNC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Delayed Neutron CountingScience
- Digital Nautical ChartMilitary
- Direct Numerical ControlTechnology
- Delayed Neutron CounterScience
- Director of Naval CommunicationsMilitary
- Distributed Numerical ControlScience
- Does Not ComputeChat and Slang
- Dynamic Network ControllerTechnology
- Data Network ContractorTechnology
- Delayed Neutron CouplingCommon
- Democratic National CommitteeCommon
- Dense Nucleolar ComponentMedical
- Deoxynucleotide CarrierMedical
- Department of Naval ConstructionCommon
- Did Not CompileCommon
- Did Not CompleteEducation
- Differentiated Nonkeratinizing CarcinomaMedical
- DinitrosocaffeidineMedical
- Direct Neural CouplingCommon
- Direct Notice of CancellationBusiness
DNC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary