Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Blood SerumMedical
- Bismuth SulfiteMedical
- Birmingham Southern RailroadOrganizations
- Binary SubtractCommon
- Bile SaltMedical
- Bilateral StaffScience
- Bell and SpigotTechnology
- Beam SplitterScience
- Backscattering SpectroscopyScience
- Backing StoreMilitary
- Bacillus SubtilisMedical
- Bachelor of Science DegreeMedical
- Byron StationTechnology
- Bypass SwitchScience
- Busy SeasonScience
- Busted StudentsEducation
- Business SystemTechnology
- Burst-SuppressionMedical
- Burst SwitchingCommon
- Burnout SyndromeMedical
BS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary