Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Bachelor of ScienceMedical
- British StandardTechnology
- Big SmileChat and Slang
- Base StationTechnology
- Bowel SoundsMedical
- Breath SoundsMedical
- Bull ShitChat and Slang
- Balance SheetBusiness
- Battle StaffMilitary
- Bill of SaleBusiness
- Block SpecificationScience
- Broadcast StationMilitary
- Bachelor of Science DegreeMedical
- Bacillus SubtilisMedical
- Backing StoreMilitary
- Backscattering SpectroscopyScience
- Beam SplitterScience
- Bell and SpigotTechnology
- Bilateral StaffScience
- Bile SaltMedical
BS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary