Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BOS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
British Orthoptic SocietyMedical
British Orthodontics SocietyMedical
Brewer Ozone SpectrophotometerCommon
Boyfriend Over ShoulderChat and Slang
Bottom of StackCommon
Boston Celtics, L.P.Organizations
Boston Business ComputingCommon
Book Order SystemCommon
Bombay Orthopedic SocietyMedical
Bomb on StationTechnology
Board of SupervisorsGovernment
Board of StudyEducation
Blanket Order SystemTechnology
Bit Oriented SignallingCommon
Bit Oriented SignalingTechnology
Bird's Own SongMedical
Big Orange SwitchChat and Slang
BOS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary