Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BOS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Basic Operator StationTechnology
Basic Overseer ServerTechnology
Basic Oxygen SteelCommon
Basic Oxygen SteelmakingScience
Batch Operations SupervisorTechnology
Battle of SurvivalCommon
Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems Outline StructureMilitary
Battlefield Operating SystemMilitary
Battlefield Operations SystemMilitary
Behavioral Observation ScheduleMedical
Behavioral Observation SystemMedical
Bell Operating SystemCommon
Big Orange SwitchChat and Slang
Bird's Own SongMedical
Bit Oriented SignalingTechnology
Bit Oriented SignallingCommon
Blanket Order SystemTechnology
Board of StudyEducation
Board of SupervisorsGovernment
BOS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary