Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AW stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Acid WasteTechnology
- Acoustic WarfareMilitary
- Air WarfareMilitary
- Air WarningMilitary
- All WeatherTechnology
- Atomic WeightMedical
- Automatic WeaponsMilitary
- Above WaterCommon
- Ahnapee and Western RailwayOrganizations
- Air WarriorMilitary
- Arming WireCommon
- Army-WideMilitary
- Abdominal WallMedical
- Able to WorkMedical
- Above WaistMedical
- Abrupt WithdrawalMedical
- Abstract of WillsGovernment
- Accordance withCommon
- Acid WashingCommon
- Acid-WashedCommon
AW Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary