Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does APE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Aurora Photography ExperimentScience
- Adaptive Physical EducationEducation
- Advanced Production EngineeringTechnology
- Ammunition Peculiar EquipmentMilitary
- Application EngineeringTechnology
- Area of Potential EffectGovernment
- Area of Potential EffectsGovernment
- Army Preliminary EvaluationTechnology
- Attitude and Power ElectronicScience
- Abbreviated Plain EnglishCommon
- Abdominoperineal ExcisionMedical
- Accumulated Photon EchoCommon
- Action Plan ElementScience
- Acute Pulmonary EdemaMedical
- Acute Pulmonary EmbolismMedical
- Adaptable Persistence EngineTechnology
- Adapted Physical EducationEducation
- Advanced Plug-in EffectTechnology
- Aesthetically Pleasing ElectronicsTechnology
- Airborne Polar ExperimentsScience
APE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary