Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AMPS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Advanced Mobile Phone ServiceTechnology
- Automatic Mapping and Planning SystemScience
- Automatic Message Processing SystemTechnology
- Airborne Multisensor Pod SystemScience
- AmperesCommon
- Aviation Mission Planning SystemMilitary
- Acid MucopolysaccharideMedical
- Acid MucopolysaccharidesMedical
- Adapted Multiple Point StimulationMedical
- Adenosine 5'-MonophosphorothioateMedical
- Advance Mobile Phone ServiceBusiness
- Advanced Mobile Personal SystemScience
- Advanced Mobile Phone SystemScience
- Advanced Multisensor Pod SystemMilitary
- Afloat Master Planning SystemMilitary
- Air Movement Planning SystemMilitary
- Airborne Meteorological Pod SystemMilitary
- Alcohol Misuse Prevention StudyMedical
- Amperes or AmperageTechnology
- Amsterdam Pulse StretcherCommon
AMPS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary