Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ADN stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Any Day NowChat and Slang
- Advanced Digital NetworkTechnology
- Allgemeiner Deutscher NachrichtendienstCommon
- Ashley, Drew and Northern RailwayOrganizations
- Associate Degree in NursingMedical
- Abbrevated Dialing NumberCommon
- Abbreviated Dialing NumberCommon
- Accession Designation NumberCommon
- Account Distribution NumberTechnology
- Add in UtilityTechnology
- AddntilityTechnology
- Adenine NucleotideMedical
- Adenine NucleotidesMedical
- AdenosineMedical
- AdiponitrileCommon
- Agency Disclosure NoticeCommon
- Air Defence NotificationMilitary
- Aircraft Data NetworkTechnology
- Allied Command Europe Desired Ground Zero NumberMilitary
- American Depository NotesCommon
ADN Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary