Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ABC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- American Broadcasting AssociationCommon
- American Broadcast CompanyTechnology
- American Botanical CouncilCommon
- American Book CenterCommon
- American Board for Certification in Orthotics and ProstheticsMedical
- American Biotechnology CouncilCommon
- American Bibliographical CenterCommon
- America, Britain, CanadaMilitary
- Always Buy ColoradoOrganizations
- Always Be CarefulCommon
- Alveolar Bone CrestMedical
- Alumni of Bluffton CollegeEducation
- Alum, Blood and ClayMedical
- Alum, Blood and CharcoalMedical
- Alternatives of Benefits and CostScience
- Alternative Birth CenterMedical
- Already Been ConvertedCommon
- Already Been ChewedChat and Slang
- AlphabetChat and Slang
- Alpha Beta CollegesEducation
ABC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary