Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ABC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Automatic Boiler ControlCommon
- Automatic Block ControllerCommon
- Automatic Bias CompensationCommon
- Automatic Bass ControlTechnology
- Automatic Bass CompensationCommon
- Automatic Bar CodeMilitary
- Automatic Bank CheckBusiness
- Automatic Ballast CleanerTechnology
- Automatic Background ControlCommon
- Automated Book CatalogTechnology
- Automated Bleed CompensationCommon
- Auto-Bill CallingCommon
- Auto-Adjustment of Image Brightness and ContrastScience
- Autism Behavior ChecklistMedical
- Australian-Born ChineseCommon
- Australian Bird CountCommon
- Aural Brevity CodeCommon
- Audit Bureau of CirculationScience
- Audit Bureau CirculationOrganizations
- Atp-Binding Cassette TransporterMedical
ABC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary