Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Author AlterationBusiness
- Author AffiliationCommon
- Auswaertiges AmtCommon
- Australian AcademyCommon
- Auricular AcupunctureMedical
- Augusta ArsenalCommon
- Auger AmplitudeCommon
- Audits and AssessmentsScience
- Audit AgentMilitary
- Audio AnimatronicsChat and Slang
- Audio AmplifierCommon
- Audio ActiveCommon
- Atypical AntipsychoticsMedical
- AtypicalMedical
- Attack AnnouncementCommon
- Atropic AcidCommon
- Atrophia AreataMedical
- AtrialMedical
- AtresiaMedical
- Atomic AbundanceCommon
AA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary