Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- All AroundCommon
- All AfterCommon
- Alkylating AgentsMedical
- Alko AlcoholMedical
- Algorithmic ArchitectureMilitary
- Algorithm AnalysisCommon
- Algebraic AdderCommon
- Alerting AuthorityMilitary
- Alcoholic AnonymousMedical
- Alcohol-AcceptingMedical
- Alcohol AbuseMedical
- Alcoa Inc.Organizations
- Alcholics AnonymousChat and Slang
- Alarm AssignmentMilitary
- Al AbdomenMedical
- Airship AssociationCommon
- Airplane AvionicsScience
- Airfoil AmplifierCommon
- Airdrie AcademyEducation
- Aircraft AlloyCommon
AA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary