Famous Quotes
4734 Quotations with World.
- 4501. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur: The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore enter ...
- 4502. Will Durant: Perhaps our supercilious disgust with existence is a cover for a secret disgust ...
- 4503. Leo Durocher: It was Brooklyn against the world. They were not only complete fanatics, but the ...
- 4504. Havelock Ellis: There is no Gain in the world: so be it: but neither is there any Loss. There is ...
- 4505. Ralph Waldo Emerson: I am taught the poorness of our invention, the ugliness of towns and palaces. Ar ...
- 4506. Nancy Gibbs: If you want to humble an empire it makes sense to maim its cathedrals. They are ...
- 4507. Nathaniel Hawthorne: It was a folly, with the materiality of this daily life pressing so intrusively ...
- 4508. Gordon B. Hinkley: It is not enough to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute ...
- 4509. Herbert Hoover: Thus the scene of the tragedy of Liberty world over must be suffering and discon ...
- 4510. Lloyd Jones: The greatest tragedy in the world is a divided church. We must come together. So ...
- 4511. Carl Gustav Jung: Far from being a material world, this is a psychic world, which allows us to mak ...
- 4512. Carl Gustav Jung: The source of numerous psychic disturbances and difficulties occasioned by man's ...
- 4513. Norton Juster: Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyo ...
- 4514. Garrison Keillor: This is a great country, and it wasn't made so by angry people. We have a sacred ...
- 4515. John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. Our r ...
- 4516. Arthur Edwin Kennelly: through radio I look forward to a united states of the world. Radio is standardi ...
- 4517. Clyde Kluckhohn: Anthropology provides a scientific basis for dealing with the crucial dilemma of ...
- 4518. C.S. Lewis: We can rest contentedly in our sins and in our stupidities, and anyone who has w ...
- 4519. C.S. Lewis: In peace we can make many of them ignore good and evil entirely; in danger, the ...
- 4520. Richard Livingstone: There is no virtue in being uncritical; nor is it a habit to which the young are ...