872 Quotations with Wood.
- 681. Lord Harewood: My passion for opera-the eternal truth of drama through music-has grown, while m ...

- 682. Woody Harrelson: A grownup is a child with layers on.

- 683. Woody Harrelson: This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House ( ...

- 684. Woody Harrelson: We've killed a million Iraqis since the start of the Gulf war - mostly by blocki ...

- 685. Salma Hayek: When I first came to Hollywood I was told to go out with an agent because it was ...

- 686. Anne Heche: Are we changing the idea of what beauty is? Let's hope so. I'm not the typical H ...

- 687. Natasha Henstridge: Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day... If I ...

- 688. C. David Heymann: Hollywood was a silver-nitrate finishing school for a whole generation with a fa ...

- 689. Thomas Heywood: The world 's a theatre, the earth a stage, Which God and Nature do with actors f ...

- 690. Christopher Isherwood: I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking.

- 691. Christopher Isherwood: It seems to me that the real clue to your sex-orientation lies in your romantic ...

- 692. Christopher Isherwood: Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique, and not too much ...

- 693. Orlando Jones: Someone I met years ago explained to me the difference between a personality and ...

- 694. Krzysztof Kieslowski: I feel Polish. More specifically, I feel like I'm from the tiny village in the N ...

- 695. Philip Knight: Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods are really part of a very big advertising program ...

- 696. Ted Koppel: Here is a guy who's had a stake driven through his heart. I mean, really nailed ...

- 697. Joseph Wood Krutch: A book unlike a television program, moving picture or any other modern means of ...

- 698. Joseph Wood Krutch: Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many ailments, ...

- 699. Joseph Wood Krutch: Electronic calculators can solve problems which the man who made them cannot sol ...

- 700. Joseph Wood Krutch: When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal. When ...

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