872 Quotations with Wood.
- 261. Vivienne Westwood: Every time I hear that word, I cringe. Fun! I think it's disgusting; it's just r ...

- 262. Heywood Broun: Except that right side up is best, there is not much to learn about holding a ba ...

- 263. John Wooden: Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.

- 264. John Wooden: Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

- 265. Sherwood Eddy: Faith is not contrary to reason…

- 266. Sherwood Eddy: Faith is reason grown courageous.

- 267. Julie Burchill: Fame is no sanctuary from the passing of youth...suicide is much easier and more ...

- 268. Woodrow T. Wilson: Fear God and you need not fear anyone else.

- 269. Joseph Wood Krutch: Few people have ever seriously wished to be exclusively rational. The good life ...

- 270. John Wooden: For an athlete to function properly, he must be intent. There has to be a defini ...

- 271. Margaret Atwood: For years I wanted to be older, and now I am.

- 272. Woodrow T. Wilson: Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

- 273. Immanuel Kant: From such crooked wood as that which man is made of, nothing straight can be fas ...

- 274. June Callwood: From the beginning of life to its end, love is the only emotion which matters.

- 275. Sherwood Anderson: General Grant had a simple, child-like recipe for meeting life... "I am terribly ...

- 276. Woodrow T. Wilson: Genius is divine perseverance. Genius I cannot have, but perseverance all can ha ...

- 277. Ernie Wood: Giving is a habit of the heart. It is not a tax deduction.

- 278. Clint Eastwood: Go ahead, make my day.

- 279. Cousin Woodman: Good judgment comes from experience, and experience -- well, that comes from poo ...

- 280. Erica Jong: Growing up female in America. What a liability! You grew up with your ears full ...

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