229 Quotations with Weapon.
- 201. Colin Powell: Today I can declare my hope and declare it from the bottom of my heart that we w ...

- 202. Lisa Marie Presley: I do like to write nasty songs. It's a useful weapon to have, and it's cathartic ...

- 203. Nancy Pelosi: Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destructio ...

- 204. William J. Perry: Anyone who considers using a weapon of mass destruction against the United State ...

- 205. Yitzhak Rabin: The struggle to get weapons is continuous, but the United States will aid us, if ...

- 206. Ronald Reagan: The neutron warhead is a defensive weapon designed to offset the great superiori ...

- 207. Condoleezza Rice: The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly ...

- 208. John Romero: I think DOOM had just the right mix of elements that keep people coming back to ...

- 209. Donald Rumsfeld: Imagine, a September 11 with weapons of mass destruction. It's not 3,000. It's t ...

- 210. Donald Rumsfeld: Inspectors do not have the duty or the ability to uncover terrible weapons hidde ...

- 211. Donald Rumsfeld: Our task, your task... is to try to connect the dots before something happens. P ...

- 212. Charles Reade: Judicious absence is a weapon.

- 213. Zack de la Rocha: It is important for me, as a popular artist, to make clear to the governments of ...

- 214. Erwin Rommel: Anyone who has to fight, even with the most modern weapons, against an enemy in ...

- 215. Ian Rush: And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us.

- 216. Jalal Talabani: However, there is a reality that must not be forgotten: the Kurdish people and t ...

- 217. Jalal Talabani: We are finding new mass graves every day. Saddam Hussein committed a crime by us ...

- 218. Jalal Talabani: We need to make a distinction between misled Iraqis, those who believe that they ...

- 219. George Voinovich: I do not want our children and grandchildren to live in a world where everyday t ...

- 220. David Walker: Well, mines was a sub machine gun. That was my personal weapon with being the fi ...

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