3442 Quotations with Want.
- 1061. Author Unknown: If you can dream it and you want it bad enough, then the reality will become rea ...
- 1062. Vance Havner: If you can't pray as you want to, pray as you can. God knows what you mean.
- 1063. Author Unknown: If you clearly and vividly IMAGINE yourself in the first person doing, being, ha ...
- 1064. Author Unknown: If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you ...
- 1065. Jesse Owens: If you don't try to win you might as well hold the Olympics in somebody's back y ...
- 1066. Sherry Lansing: If you don't wake up with something in your stomach every day that makes you thi ...
- 1067. Author Unknown: If you don't want to deal with the devil, don't go in his shop. Keep on the Lord ...
- 1068. Author Unknown: If you don't want to read it, see it or hear it, don't say it.
- 1069. Ogden Nash: If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you won ...
- 1070. Thomas J. Vilord: If you have goals and procrastination you have nothing. If you have goals and yo ...
- 1071. Cliff Richard: If you have got the public in the palm of your hand, you can be sure that is whe ...
- 1072. Joe DiMaggio: If you keep thinking about what you want to do or what you hope will happen, you ...
- 1073. Shirley Hufstedler: If you play it safe in life, you've decided that you don't want to grow anymore.
- 1074. Cher: If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen.
- 1075. Anne Frank: If you think of your fellow creatures, then you only want to cry; you could real ...
- 1076. Author Unknown: If you torture data long enough, it will tell you anything you want !
- 1077. Jessamyn West: If you want a baby, have a new one. Don't baby the old one.
- 1078. William Morris: If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in ...
- 1079. Abigail Van Buren: If you want a place in the sun, you've got to put up with a few blisters.
- 1080. William James: If you want a quality, act as if you already had it. Try the "as if" technique.
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