635 Quotations with Unless.
- 401. Hare Charles: Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it ...

- 402. Peter F. Drucker: Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.

- 403. Leslie Fiedler: Unless criticism refuses to take itself quite so seriously or at least to permit ...

- 404. Walter Lippmann: Unless democracy is to commit suicide by consenting to its own destruction, it w ...

- 405. Author Unknown: Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual as one in which he has ...

- 406. Penelope Lively: Unless I am a part of everything I am nothing.

- 407. Charles G. Finney: Unless I had the spirit of prayer, I could do nothing.

- 408. Stephen McKenna: Unless in one thing or another we are straining toward perfection, we have forfe ...

- 409. Adam Clayton Powell: Unless man is committed to the belief that all mankind are his brothers, then he ...

- 410. Anthony Hope: Unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible.

- 411. Bertrand Russell: Unless one is taught what to do with success after getting it, achievement of it ...

- 412. Mary Ritter Beard: Unless one's philosophy is all-inclusive, nothing can be understood.

- 413. Richard Whately: Unless people can be kept in the dark, it is best for those who love the truth t ...

- 414. Walter Lippmann: Unless the reformer can invent something which substitutes attractive virtues fo ...

- 415. Konstantin Stanislavisky: Unless the theatre can ennoble you, make you a better person, you should flee fr ...

- 416. Martha Gellhorn: Unless they are immediate victims, the majority of mankind behaves as if war was ...

- 417. Ezra Taft Benson: Unless we do his teachings, we do not demonstrate faith in him.

- 418. Helen Keller: Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in t ...

- 419. Harold Taylor: Unless we give part of ourselves away, unless we can live with other people and ...

- 420. Edward M. Forster: Unless we remember, we cannot understand.

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