Famous Quotes
1527 Quotations with Unit.
- 921. Colonel Charles Beckwith: You cannot take a few people from one unit, throw them in with some from another ...
- 922. Joe Tye: Since we can no longer rely on the company for security, it must come from withi ...
- 923. John Cahllenger: Today's newest breed of employee is the self-manager. These workers are the ones ...
- 924. Thomas Edison: Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks ...
- 925. John Acton: Far from being the product of a democratic revolution and of an opposition to En ...
- 926. Henry B. Adams: One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Frien ...
- 927. John Adams: Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; a ...
- 928. Daniel Akaka: I do not believe, given her past decisions and comments on the reasons to go to ...
- 929. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf: The United Nations is a place for prostitution under the feet of Americans.
- 930. Lamar Alexander: We are the only country in the world that has taken people from so many differen ...
- 931. Saul Alinsky: A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance ...
- 932. George Allen: I rise today to offer a formal and heartfelt apology to all the victims of lynch ...
- 933. Steve Allen: If the Old Testament were a reliable guide in the matter of capital punishment, ...
- 934. Chris Van Allsburg: The opportunity to create a small world between two pieces of cardboard, where t ...
- 935. Kofi Annan: Business, labor and civil society organizations have skills and resources that a ...
- 936. Kofi Annan: If the United Nations does not attempt to chart a course for the world's people ...
- 937. Kofi Annan: Iraq has a new opportunity to comply with all these relevant resolutions of the ...
- 938. Owen Arthur: We have a duty to bring a new spirit to bear in the service of our oldest and gr ...
- 939. Saint Augustine: Passion is the evil in adultery. If a man has no opportunity of living with anot ...
- 940. Diane Abbott: Many young people carrying real or imitation firearms do so in a mistaken attemp ...