1751 Quotations with True.
- 561. Anthony Robbins: For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent.

- 562. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek: For is it not true that human progress is but a mighty growing pattern woven tog ...

- 563. Thomas Carlyle: For man is not the creature and product of Mechanism; but, in a far truer sense, ...

- 564. Antoine de Saint-Exupery: For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. And if you ...

- 565. James Allen: For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Wh ...

- 566. Lawrence Durrell: For us artists there waits the joyous compromise through art with all that wound ...

- 567. Johannes Tauler: For where there is true love, a man is neither out of measure lifted up by prosp ...

- 568. Gerald G. Jampolsky: Forgiveness is the way to true health and happiness.

- 569. Charles Alexander Eastman: Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, t ...

- 570. Ernest Hemingway: From things that have happened and from things as they exist and from all things ...

- 571. Katherine F. Gerould: Funny how people despise platitudes, when they are usually the truest thing goin ...

- 572. Ambrose Bierce: Future: That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true a ...

- 573. William Hazlitt: General principles are not the less true or important because from their nature ...

- 574. Jon Kabat Zinn: Generosity is another quality which, like patience, letting go, non-judging, and ...

- 575. Henry David Thoreau: Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth.

- 576. S. M. Frazier: Give me work to do, Give me health, Give me joy in simple things, Give me an eye ...

- 577. Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Giving is true loving.

- 578. Author Unknown: Giving until it hurts is not a true measure of charity. Some are more easily hur ...

- 579. Henry David Thoreau: Glances of true beauty can be seen in the faces of those who live in true meekne ...

- 580. Adoniram Judson: God answers all true prayer, either in kind or in kindness.

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