176 Quotations with Transform.
- 81. Allan Bloom: Reason transformed into prejudice is the worst form of prejudice, because reason ...

- 82. John Enoch Powell: Remove advertising, disable a person or firm from proclaiming its wares and thei ...

- 83. Robert Conklin: Resistance is thought transformed into feeling. Change the thought that creates ...

- 84. Pablo Picasso: Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow sp ...

- 85. Hermann Hesse: The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the a ...

- 86. Adrienne Rich: The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problemati ...

- 87. Ernest Rutherford: The energy produced by the breaking down of the atom is a very poor kind of thin ...

- 88. Anne Germain De Stael: The greatest happiness is to transform your feelings into actions.

- 89. Elizabeth Drew: The inspired scribbler always has the gift for gossip in our common usage, he or ...

- 90. Michel De Certeau: The media transforms the great silence of things into its opposite. Formerly con ...

- 91. Jiddu Krishnamurti: The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel ...

- 92. Milan Kundera: The present era grabs everything that was ever written in order to transform it ...

- 93. E. M. Cioran: The source of our actions resides in an unconscious propensity to regard ourselv ...

- 94. Robert Bresson: The true is inimitable, the false untransformable.

- 95. Brooks Atkinson: The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer i ...

- 96. I Ching: The way of the creative works through change and transformation, so that each th ...

- 97. Charles Baudelaire: The whole visible universe is but a storehouse of images and signs to which the ...

- 98. Robert White: There can be no transformation, no awakening, without the ‘here and now' experie ...

- 99. Carl Jung: There can be no transforming of darkness into light, and of apathy into movement ...

- 100. Scott Reed: To begin with, you must realize that any idea accepted by the brain is automatic ...

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