738 Quotations with Three.
- 681. Joel Rosenberg: I'm a simple man. All I want is enough sleep for two normal men, enough whiskey ...

- 682. John Templeton: Three of my children are medical doctors, they know at least a hundred times as ...

- 683. Kristin Scott Thomas: I am terribly inarticulate. I find it very difficult to say what I think, which ...

- 684. Ted Turner: Over a three year period, I gave away half of what I had. To be honest, my hands ...

- 685. Mark Twain: It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.

- 686. Audrey Tautou: I don't know where I'm going to be in three years. Because I have the feeling th ...

- 687. Lili Taylor: If someone puts up $100 million on a movie, they're gonna be concerned about whe ...

- 688. Stephen Tobolowsky: I did children's theatre for three years, 1977-1979. We played at a school where ...

- 689. Nat Turner: Being at play with other children, when three or four years old, I was telling t ...

- 690. Bob Uecker: If a guy hits .300 every year, what does he have to look forward to? I always tr ...

- 691. Elizabeth Vargas: We're way overdue on a woman sitting in one of those Big Three chairs.

- 692. Rene Veaux: One person cooking at home cannot pay attention to too many things. If a woman m ...

- 693. Jules Verne: The Nautilus was piercing the water with its sharp spur, after having accomplish ...

- 694. Larry Wall: The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.

- 695. George Washington: My observation is that whenever one person is found adequate to the discharge of ...

- 696. Earl Weaver: Economics played a role. Raleighs have gone from six fifty to nine dollars a car ...

- 697. Woodrow Wilson: If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, ...

- 698. August Wilson: Regardless of the medium, rewriting and more rewriting is still necessary. No on ...

- 699. Oprah Winfrey: Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon ...

- 700. Robert Wise: My three Ps: passion, patience, perseverance. You have to do this if you've got ...

Three Quotes by Power Quotations