738 Quotations with Three.
- 541. Samuel Dash: We were dirt poor. I had a job from the time I was seven. Our biggest fight at h ...

- 542. Robert J. Dole: History buffs probably noted the reunion at a Washington party a few weeks ago o ...

- 543. Marie Dressler: Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonies than by a thousa ...

- 544. Roberto Duran: Getting hit motivates me. It makes me punish the guy more. A fighter takes a pun ...

- 545. John Edward: It comes through as energy, and I basically act as a radio, and I interpret what ...

- 546. Levi Eshkol: Put three Zionists in a room and they will form four political parties.

- 547. James Estes: Let me assure you that to us here at First National, you're not just a number. Y ...

- 548. Dakota Fanning: That was really cool. I got to kiss a little boy. I was 7 and he was 10, and his ...

- 549. Tina Fey: At the request of the Catholic Church, a three-day sex orgy to be held near Rio ...

- 550. F. Scott Fitzgerald: In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day ...

- 551. Ben Folds: I was pretty much a dork growing up. Going up in front of a crowd and being an i ...

- 552. Gerald R. Ford: The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else can yo ...

- 553. Whitey Ford: Army life was rough. Would you believe it, they actually wanted me to pitch thre ...

- 554. John Fund: I suggest three things a) every state should require photo Id to vote. We demand ...

- 555. Jerry Della Femina: That's great advertising when you can turn Chicago into a city you'd want to spe ...

- 556. Anne Ford: My son Alessandro was always so terrific with his sister, and the three of us-Al ...

- 557. B. Michael Frolic: Foreigners in Moscow claim that, according to a Soviet statistic, there are only ...

- 558. Art Garfunkel: I did three and a half years in the architecture school with no real love or fee ...

- 559. Art Garfunkel: My walk across America started in the early 80s when, as a traveler, I took a fr ...

- 560. William Gilbert: Ambassadors cropped up like hay, Prime Ministers and such as they grew like aspa ...

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